Traditional Persian food
4. “Gheimeh“
Khoreshte Geimeh
Before the introduction of electric fridges, families in the colder, northern provinces of Iran such as Azerbaijan devised ingenious ways to preserve meat for consumption during the winter months. The meat would be cut into small pieces (Gheimeh), fried with onions, flavored with turmeric and other spices and put into big earthenware vats. A thick layer of solidified fat on the top ensures a good seal against micro-organisms. These vats were kept in dark, cold basements over the winter. Each day, a small amount would be taken to add to the khoresht. Khoreshte Gheimeh is diced meat combined with yellow split peas, dried limes and saffron with fried potatoes. It is very popular all over Iran and can be cooked all year round; the combination of meat and pulses, served with rice, provides a nutritious meal.
yellow split peas, onion, dried limes, lamb, butter, vegetable oil, turmeric, powdered dried lime, black pepper, boiling water, tomato paste, lemon juice, saffron